Photo from New Richmond Exempted Village Schools Communications.

Photo from New Richmond Exempted Village Schools Communications.

In conjunction with the Village of New Richmond and the New Richmond Police Department, New Richmond Exempted Village Schools is making parents and the community aware of a few pedestrian safety changes to Bethel-New Richmond near the main campus.

Soon, various projects will begin to address safety concerns in the area near the middle and high school. The road will be re-striped in both directions and the word “SCHOOL” will be painted with hi-visibility beads included to increase reflectivity and safety.

The size of the crosswalk on the road itself will be increased and high-visibility beads will also be added to the paint in that area.

The school zone signs will be replaced with new signs in each direction. Additionally, a radar speed sign will be added on both sides of Bethel-New Richmond Road.

Radar speed signs have enhanced LEDs and radar sensor range of up to 1,200 feet. These signs can collect non-identifying traffic data to help local law enforcement study traffic patterns in the area.

The cost of this project (approximately $12,800) will be covered by the Village of New Richmond and Renaissance New Richmond. The estimated completion date of the project is Dec. 15.