Party: Rep

Occupation: Judge, Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas

Position you are seeking: Ohio Supreme Court Justice

Work Experience: Judge, Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, General Division (2015 – present); Judge, Hamilton County Municipal Court (2011-2015); Assistant Prosecutor, Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office (2005 to 2011); Prosecutor, Mt. Healthy Mayor’s Court (2005 to 2007); Assistant Prosecutor, Butler County Prosecutor’s Office (2000 to 2005)

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, minor in Pre-Law, Kent State University; Juris Doctor, University of Cincinnati College of Law

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Age: 51

What in your background qualifies you to serve in this position?

As a former assistant prosecutor, municipal court judge, and current common pleas court judge, I have the right kind of experience to be on the Ohio Supreme Court. I believe strongly that a judge should interpret the law, not make the law. I will bring my experience and conservative judicial philosophy to the Ohio Supreme Court.

Why are you running for this position?

We need a stable, strict constructionist justice on the Ohio Supreme Court so that communities are safe and people and businesses can prosper in a predictable legal environment.

What is your platform?

I am a skilled and experienced trial court judge and former prosecutor with over 20 years of legal and judicial experience, through which I have developed the necessary understanding of Ohio law, the Ohio Constitution, and the U.S. Constitution. I know that judges shouldn’t legislate from the bench, and my tenure as a judge proves that. I consider only the facts of the cases before me and a plain reading of the law, without inserting my own personal feelings or political preferences into my rulings. I’ll continue to uphold this standard as an Ohio Supreme Court Justice.

What are the most pressing issues facing Clermont County that come before someone who is elected to the position you seek?

The Ohio Supreme Court considers a wide variety of cases which impact the lives and livelihoods of every Ohioan. We must have a conservative court which abides by judicial restraint, applies the law fairly and justly as written, and provides consistency in its rulings so Ohio’s citizens and businesses may remain confident in the integrity and independence of the judiciary.

If elected, what would you seek to enhance and improve Clermont County?

I will strive to fairly and impartially uphold the law in order to keep all Ohio communities safe and thriving.