Party: Dem
Occupation: Candidate
Position you are seeking: US House of Representatives Ohio 2nd Congressional District
Work Experience: EMT, AmeriCorps, End of Life Companion, Medical Billing Supervisor and Membership Manager for the Girl Scouts
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Human Services
Campaign email:
Facebook: SMeadowsForOH2
Age: 52
What in your background qualifies you to serve in this position?
I am well-qualified to serve in Congress due to my background in public service, healthcare, and advocacy. With a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services, I have a deep understanding of addressing community needs. My work as an EMT and AmeriCorps End of Life Companion taught me to care for people in vulnerable moments, making me a compassionate and decisive leader. My roles as a Medical Billing Supervisor and Membership Manager for the Girl Scouts have also honed my leadership and organizational skills.
Why are you running for this position?
I am running for office because I believe our district has been overlooked. We need someone in Congress who understands rural communities and fights for the rights of women, workers, seniors, and families. I want to ensure everyone in our community has the chance to thrive by improving healthcare access, revitalizing the economy, and protecting education. I am committed to being a strong advocate for change.
What is your platform?
My platform is built on four core priorities: women’s rights, workers’ rights, education, and rural revitalization. As an advocate for women’s rights, I believe women must have the autonomy to make their own healthcare decisions. Protecting reproductive healthcare is essential to our community’s well-being.
Workers’ rights are equally important. Every worker deserves fair pay, safe conditions, and the right to collectively bargain. I will fight for policies that protect workers, support unions, and ensure dignity in the workplace.
Education is another cornerstone of my platform. I support fully funding public schools to ensure every child has access to quality education, regardless of where they live. I will also advocate for policies that make higher education and job training more affordable and accessible.
Lastly, rural revitalization is crucial. Many rural communities have been left behind in economic development. I will push for federal investments in infrastructure, such as improving roads and expanding broadband access, to stimulate growth in our region.
What are the most pressing issues facing Clermont County that come before someone who is elected to the position you seek?
The most pressing issues in Clermont County include women’s rights, healthcare for seniors, Medicare protection, public education, and the rising cost of goods. Reproductive rights need safeguarding, and seniors struggle with healthcare access. I will protect Medicare to ensure seniors receive the care they need. Public education must be adequately funded to give children the tools to succeed. Additionally, rising costs for groceries and essentials are straining families, and I will work to address these economic challenges.
If elected, what would you seek to enhance and improve Clermont County?
If elected, I will focus on improving infrastructure, healthcare access, education, and job creation in Clermont County. I will prioritize expanding broadband and improving roads to better connect communities and drive economic growth. My commitment to public education and rural revitalization will help improve schools and create sustainable jobs, ensuring that Clermont County becomes a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.