Election 2024
Republican voters routinely go to the voting polls on Election Day. This year Republican voters are being encouraged to vote during early voting. Why? Recent audits have identified that 20% of Republican voters that waited to vote on Election Day never showed up to vote. Waiting to vote on Election Day could present some unforeseen and unmanageable challenges. You may have had to work overtime, you forget that one of your children had a sporting event that same evening, you had a flat tire coming home from work, or God forbid you had an accident. As you can see, voting early at the Clermont County Board of Elections helps you manage all the restraints that might keep you from casting a vote on Election Day. In addition, voting early might save you some other distractions.
When you vote early at the Clermont County Board of Elections the Republican Party knows that you have voted. Now don’t get excited about that news. We don’t know how you voted. Keep in mind that Ohio elections are secure. Knowing that you voted, eliminates any further need to check your voting status, send you follow-up calls, literature, or mailers. Yes not only does voting early let you get back to your usual life, but it also lets the Republican Party concentrate on other voters who have not voted. This explanation should have sparked your conservative conscience. Participation in early voting option saves the Republican Party money and lets us re-direct the resources on mining votes from those who have not yet shown up at the polls. Even though there are several benefits to early in-person voting, there are also other ways that you can vote early.
In addition to coming to the Clermont County Board of Elections to vote, you can also request an absentee ballot. Upon receiving your ballot and completing it, you can drop it off at the Board of Elections or you can mail it in by following the instructions in the correspondence. However, the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot is October 29th. Keep in mind, voting in person is the preferred method for safety and security.
Whether you vote early at the Clermont County Board of Elections or you wait until November 5, 2024, don’t forget to seek out your Republican Poll Worker and obtain a copy of the Clermont County Republican Party Official Voting Guide. It will list all of the endorsed Republican Candidates that align with your values and beliefs. Help be a part of saving America. Vote Republican.
David L. Painter, Clermont County Executive Party Chairman
197 East Main Street
Batavia, Ohio 45103