The local community is coming together to help raise funds to reduce the student lunch debt at Williamsburg Schools.

Liz Betemps is a volunteer with the Williamsburg Farmers Market, a group that is helping to fundraise. She explained that during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, government programs paid for school lunches, and when those programs ended in the 2022-2023 school year, many children were going without lunch.

“The schools worked with families to help them qualify for free or reduced lunch rates, but still many families could not afford lunch for their children,” Betemps said. “The principals decided that they would serve lunch to all children.”

As a result, the school district incurred a $12,000 lunch debt; operating expenses and other funds can not be used to pay down these costs.

Betemps said that the Williamsburg Farmers Market decided that they wanted to help.

“Posters and flyers as well as a toy school bus collection container were used to spread the word in the community. Generous donations have now reduced this debt to $7,200,” she shared.

On Aug. 9, the Williamsburg High School Band played a free concert at the Williamsburg Farmers Market on Main Street in front of the Community Park to help raise funds. Martket-goers were asked to donate funds to the Williamsburg Schools.

Kevin Dunn, Principal at Williamsburg Elementary School, said that the mobilization of the Williamsburg Farmers Market and Garden Club as well as many others serves as another example of what makes Williamsburg such a great community.

“Our district feeds every student healthy meals regardless of their account status. Having such strong community support will help us continue to do this, which will help us in our quest of helping every student realize their full potential. We are immensely grateful for the monetary contributions toward student lunch debt,” Dunn said.

If you would like to help support this effort, donations can be made by check to the Williamsburg Schools. Checks can be dropped off at the board office or at WES; please note it’s for student lunch debt.