Howdy folks—I was looking through my phonebook and saw Bob Shinkle’s name and phone number so I called and to my surprise he had passed away to meet with the Lord. He was a good friend. I knew his dad and mother and they were great folks.
The church has a free clothing store here in Bethel. It is open on Monday and Tuesday in the morning with some good quality clothes. Bethel is my town. We have several fine restaurants; several gas stations and they are building a new Dairy Queen. Bethel has two stores that have been in the same families for generations: the Ben Franklin store and Wichard’s Service Station. Both are closed on Sundays.
I have been watching the football games. I watched Ohio State play Purdue and the score was 59 to 31. Ohio State really worked them over. That is about all I have to do, watch TV or rome around town on the scooter.
I had a chance to talk to Mike at the Boars Head Bait Shop on Sunday morning. He said the fishing in East Fork Lake is very good. The crappie are biting real good and they are getting some nice sized crappie. The sauger are sure growing good. A feller said he caught a sauger that was 21 inches long. Another feller caught a musky that was 54 inches long. There are some musky in East Fork that are bigger and some catfish that would be 60 pounds or larger.
I have been trying to find out how the feller that is walking the Appalachian Trail is doing. I talked to Gladys Lytle and she is relation to this young feller. She talked to his dad and he said Aaron is 3/4 of the way across Virginia. This cold rain would be bad on him, but he is going and I am eager to talk to him about his walk.
I talked to Cedar Lake today and this is Sunday. The lady said there have been some big catfish caught. There were a couple 50 pounders and a couple 40 pounders along with plenty of channel catfish. The fish truck has left to get a load of trout that they are stocking this coming week. So next week, you can fish for trout. That is good to have the trout in there for the fisherman to catch.
I went down to church this morning. No rain but cold. While I was there it started to rain. Different folks said what are you going to do. I said I have this new umbrella. I will break it in and it will worked good. I had dinner with Derry Nipper and while we were there a feller came to me and asked if I wasn’t George. He said his mother worked at the park as a secretary when he was a baby and she would bring him to take care of.
I talked to Danny Grant and he said Jason his son has been finished about a week with a soy beans and is now shelling corn. He said he was about half done with the corn and it has been running over 200 bushel per acre. The fertilizer and spray he puts on the corn runs the price per acre up so he needs a good yield. I was talking to Bill Sweeney and he said he has lots of ripe tomatoes and plenty of turnips as well as white potatoes. He probably has lots of fresh eggs so stop at his place above Bethel about a half a mile and get some of this produce to use. You might find other items too.
Start your week by praying and praising the good Lord.
God bless all …
More later …