Each January in schools across Ohio, we celebrate our boards of education as part of School Board Recognition Month. This year’s theme is Superheroes.

School board members are often our unsung heroes, despite playing a critical role in making West Clermont Schools WC Strong, our theme for 2025. They serve as a link between the classroom and the community, ensuring that every decision we make and every policy we implement is in the best interest of our students.

It is not an easy job. Not only do our board members give of their time freely, but they are truly passionate about making sure every student has what they need to succeed. They also must objectively consider the input of staff, parents, industry partners, and community members.

I hope you’ll join us this month in thanking our Board of Education, which consists of the following: Tammy Spencer, Tina Sanborn, Ryan Patton, Jim Rudy and Michael Chumley.

Thank you today, and every day, for believing in our mission to commit to excellence with every learner, every day, every way.

By Natasha Adams, Superintendent of West Clermont Schools.