Party: Rep

Occupation: Justice, Ohio Supreme Court

Position you are seeking: Justice, Ohio Supreme Court

Work Experience: Hamilton County Prosecutor: 1992-1998 and 2004-2023. State of Ohio Treasurer: 1993-2004. Justice, Ohio Supreme Court: 2023-current

Education: B.S. from the University of Cincinnati; J.D. from the University of Cincinnati College of Law

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Age: 67

What in your background qualifies you to serve in this position?

I have spent my career fighting to protect the community and help victims of crime. I’ve spent my professional life in the courtroom working to achieve justice and make Hamilton County and Ohio a safer place to live, work, and raise a family.

Why are you running for this position? I am running for this seat on the Ohio Supreme Court to ensure we have an originalist philosophy on the Court. More and more courtrooms across the state and country are falling into judicial activism where the judge takes it into their own hands to legislate from the bench and influence the law however they feel. As a Justice, my chief responsibility will continue to be to respect and honor the rule of law and the Supreme Court’s role as a co-equal branch of government. I love this state and have spent my career in public service making Ohio a safer place for this generation and the next.

What is your platform?

As Justice, my chief responsibility is to respect and honor the rule of law and the Supreme Court’s role as a co-equal branch of government. I view the role of the Court to interpret our constitution while showing judicial restraint from influencing legislation.