Party: Dem
Occupation: I am a retired Educator (17 years).
Work Experience: I have actively been a Grandmother for the past seven years. Prior to my years in Education, I was an accountant/bookkeeper, for 15 years.
Position you are seeking: Clerk of Court of Common Pleas
Education: I earned my Associate Degree in Business Technology at Tiffin University, and my Bachelor off Education at Otterbein College (Now known as Otterbein University). My education has helped define my goals in life.
Campaign email:
Age:I am 64 years old, And I will fight, forever, for every soul on Earth.
Why are you running for this position?
To bring honesty and integrity to the office.
What is your platform?
Improvements to the Office of Clerk of Court: Modernize the office and implement an online court filing system which would also allow for access to retrieve all court files.