Local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations throughout southwest Ohio are receiving more than $900,000 this year in grants from Ohio EPA to implement recycling, litter prevention, market development, and scrap tire recycling programs. Statewide, Ohio EPA is issuing more than $7.5 million in grant funding to 159 recipients, with more than $3.8 million specifically for community and litter prevention programs.

Local governments and other entities use these grants for litter collection, education programming, and the disposal of scrap tires through amnesty collection events. All local clean-up efforts involve the work of volunteers and take place on public property.

Projects approved for funding for program year 2024 include, locally:

Mercy Health – Clermont Hospital LLC for $100,000 for Recycling Equipment.

Community and Litter Grants are available to local governments, parks or health departments, state colleges and universities, solid waste authorities, and nonprofit organizations or Keep America Beautiful communities to support and expand community recycling and litter prevention efforts.

For additional information about the grant programs, contact Marie Barnett at Marie.Barnett@epa.ohio.gov, or online: www.recycleohio.gov.

(Press release edited for space.)