I have had a unique perspective during my time spent in West Clermont. Not only have I been an employee, but also a community member and most importantly, a parent. I have attended five Town Hall meetings over the past couple of years, and I continue to go because I feel the experience is so valuable.

Firstly, I love the whole idea and experience of bringing together community members, families, students, and staff members. Having assigned tables to sit at ensures that there is balance in every conversation. I learn something new every time I attend, whether it be statistics or shared perspectives.

As a parent, I strongly appreciate the district bringing parents and the community into the discussions. For the first time, I feel genuinely heard. I have attended dozens of BOE meetings, and nothing compares to the Town Halls. There is such a sense of community. Having people from three different perspectives coming together to brainstorm and lay out all the cards is so unique.

Lastly, the most important thing for me is the knowledge I gain from attending Town Hall meetings. I learn about the state of our schools, how our community views the district, and the advancements happening in other districts. I believe it’s crucial for our district to keep up with technology, opportunities, and curriculum to ensure our students’ growth. As a parent, staff member, and community member, I see how vital these things are. A good, competitive school district is essential to increase the value of our community.

Therefore, I highly recommend anyone in our community, whether they are a parent or not, attend one of the Town Hall meetings. By doing so, you can become more informed about the state of our district, the issues we face, and be a part of the solution.

Adriel Helms

West Clermont Local School District employee and parent