As the new year unfolds, the Clermont County Genealogical Society prepares itself with some new Officers and Trustee members. Sworn in at the December 2, 2023, general meeting, the new Board led by President Paige Craig plan to start the year strong for the Society in an effort to revitalize its goals and membership.

CCGS Board of Trustees


Paige Craig, President (2025)

Mary Allen, Vice-President (2024)

Jude DeWitt, Treasurer

Laura Wood, Secretary

Marcia Jelus, Librarian

Judith Malinzak, Archivist

Shelley Nuss, Webmaster


Debra Geesner (Past President 2024)

Brenda Boyd (2024)

Carol Warren Brown (2024)

Patricia Dudek (2025)

Pamela Hall (2025)

Brenda Barrett (2026)

Mark Peterson (2026)

A Message from the President, Paige Craig:

“I am so excited to begin my role as CCGS President! I am thrilled to be working closely with a

team which has so much genealogical experience and is willing to dedicate so much of their

time to the Society.

SWOT & Strategic Plan

The Board has been working hard to identify the Society’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Our goal is to put together a strategic plan for the next five years which will build on the Society’s strengths, capitalize on its opportunities, address weaknesses, and eliminate threats.

Probate Packet Project Update

Thanks to some smart thinking Clermont genealogists back in the 1970s, some of the earliest

Probate court packets for the county were saved and stored in the CCGS Archives. Over the past two years, Archivist Judith Malinzak and her team of volunteers (Bob Malinzak, Marcia Jelus, Stacie Ishmael, Elizabeth Moran, and Fran Naegel) have finished preparing the loose papers for digitization by Family Search. There were 73 boxes of papers which had been sorted, alphabetized, and flattened.

Members’ Content on the OGS Website Now

Accessible from Batavia Branch Library The Ohio Genealogical Society is working hard on their

8 for 88 initiative. As a chapter of OGS, CCGS receives one membership. For research, The Ohio Genealogical Society has more than 700 digitized books archived that are now accessible when visiting the Batavia Branch Library. Thanks to Amy Matheney and all the Batavia Branch staff for agreeing to make this possible!

For more information about CCGS and its upcoming meetings, please visit