Eighth-grade Honor Band warming up before the concert. Photo courtesy West Clermont School District Band.
The West Clermont School District recently hosted the 2024 OMEA District 14 Honor Band Festival, which featured four talented ensembles composed of 274 students, representing 17 high schools and 20 middle schools from both Hamilton and Clermont Counties. The musicians auditioned for the coveted seats in mid-November. They rehearsed for a total of ten hours over the course of two days in preparation for the concerts, which were held at West Clermont High School on Sunday, January 8. Band directors from programs across the city volunteered their time and talents to instruct sectionals and offer support throughout the weekend.
Under the direction of guest conductors Bryce Newton (7th Grade Honor Band), Patricia Meeks (8th Grade Honor Band), Dr. Ben Chamberlain (Honor Concert Band), and Frank Troyka (Honor Symphonic Band), these students tackled musical selections that stretched their skills and challenged them to strive for excellence both individually and as a group. View the concert program here.
One of this year’s honor band participants said, “D14 allowed me as a musician to grow and foster my musical skills in ways that band at home doesn’t allow. A guest conductor always gives me a
new perspective on music, and oftentimes life. Mr. Troyka gives a new insight on how music impacts life outside the classroom or marching field. I have always been grateful (for) the opportunity D14 gives me in terms of the pieces I can play in an ensemble. I gain experience as a musician and insight as a person and student.”
Brian Fischer, West Clermont High School Director of Bands and co-chair of the event said, “As someone who participated in the District 14 honor band while I was in high school, I understand how truly transformative this event can be for a young musician. It was an honor to host so many young people, conductors, and band directors at West Clermont and create a weekend full of music.” West Clermont Bands had seventeen middle school students and nineteen high school students participate in the honor bands.
This year’s festival was coordinated by Jim Blankenship (Sycamore Bands), Brian Fischer (West Clermont Bands), Lydia Myers (West Clermont Bands), Aimee Schrameck (West Clermont Bands), and Jodi Smith (Milford Bands).
West Clermont High School is located at 4101 Bach Buxton Road in Batavia and is part of the West Clermont Local School District. To contact the band for performances, make a donation or become a sponsor, please contact booster.president@wcwolvesband.com.