Back row: Worshipful Brother, Kenneth Snider, District Deputy of the Sixth Masonic District, John Wills, Worshipful Brother Jerry Ross, Right Worshipful Brother, George West and Past Grand Master, Richard A. Dickersheid.
Courtesy of Adelia Ross-Kuttler.
Worshipful Brother, John McCollum celebrated his 103rd birthday on November 15, 2021. He was surprised the next day when he was wheeled into the dining room to see several of his Masonic Brothers and several Grand Officers of the State of Ohio. The RWB Timothy S. Wheeland, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio and Grand Officers presented John with an 80-year service award. The Grand Master was so pleased to be able to present John this award. He remarked that receiving an 80-year service award was almost unheard of and probably the only one that he would be able to present this year. John was very touched and happy to receive this award and to visit with the guests. The Masonic Brothers are with Edenton #332, F & AM where John had been a member for 80 years. The Brothers were so happy to be able to share this joyful occasion with John and his wife, Nancy.