Detour Map.
Detour Map.

The Clermont County Engineer’s Office today announced a temporary road closure on Old SR 74 in order to support ongoing improvement work throughout the area. Old SR 74 will be closed between Glen Este-Withamsville Road and English Creek Drive from Monday, Sept. 30, 2019, through Friday, Dec. 13, 2019. The intersection of Old SR 74 and Glen Este-Withamsville Road will remain open during the closure period and local access to the Glen Este Church of Christ will be maintained.

The closure will extend approximately 1,000 feet and is needed to install stormsewer and water infrastructure, build retaining walls and widen the roadway. A detour using Eastgate Boulevard, Eastgate North Drive and Glen Este-Withamsville Road will be put into place and marked with signage.

Widening Old SR 74 will improve travel and safety throughout the corridor

Approximately one mile of Old SR 74 is being widened from three to five lanes from west of Glen Este-Withamsville Road to Tealtown Road, and from two to three lanes between Tealtown Road and east of Schoolhouse Road. Improvements will include dual left turn lanes from westbound Old SR 74 to Glen Este-Withamsville Road. Curb and gutter improvements along with upgraded stormwater infrastructure will be installed within the project area.

In addition, access improvements will be made at Old SR 74, Tealtown Road and Paul Drive, including new traffic signals at key intersections throughout the corridor. A new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Old SR 74 and Schoolhouse Road and the traffic signals at the intersections of Old SR 74 and Tealtown Road, as well as Old SR 74 and Glen Este-Withamsville Road will be upgraded to accommodate the additional lanes of traffic.

“The Old SR 74 Widening Project is part of a comprehensive program of projects to improve safety and connectivity along the SR 32 Corridor,” Clermont County Engineer Jeremy Evans said. “Specifically, these improvements will provide better traffic flow north of SR 32, and along with the improvements being made on Clepper Lane, will help alleviate significant traffic pressure along SR 32 by providing drivers with an alternate east-west travel route.”

Project contract has been structured to minimize impacts to traffic

“We have structured our agreement with the contractor in order to minimize the impact to traffic as much as possible,” Evans added. “Typically, the work being done on Old SR 74 would require a road closure that could extend up to six months. Our expectation is that crews will be able to complete the necessary improvements on this stretch of road and reopen the roadway within two-three months.”

Construction on Old SR 74 began in July with utility relocation work, improvements to Paul Drive and bridge widening on Old SR 74 west of Glen Este-Withamsville Road. The project is expected to continue through August 2021.

About the Clermont County Transportation Improvement District

The Clermont County Transportation Improvement District works across geographic and political lines to improve the quality of life for Clermont County residents by stimulating economic development through regional transportation improvements. The five-member board is made up of representatives from the Clermont County Engineer’s Office, Clermont County, Miami and Union townships and private industry.

The CCTID is actively managing nearly two dozen roadway improvements that will increase safety, support better traffic flow through the area and provide the infrastructure for continued economic development throughout the county. More information about the CCTID and its project work can be found online at