My teenage sons Finn and Gavin are both competing in national racing championships, which requires them to travel frequently. This wound up challenging their physical attendance in brick and mortar school causing them to fall behind in their studies. As the boys approached high school and studies became more vigorous, we knew we needed an alternative option.

We were nervous about enrolling our sons in virtual school, not knowing how it works, what kind of teachers they’d have, or even if they’d be doing a lot of work basically on their own.

We have been so impressed with OHVA and recommend it to everyone we meet.

Finn and Gavin pursue their racing passion while excelling in high school – they don’t have to choose one or the other. Their teachers are consistently available to answer questions, keep them on track, and get extra attention on a lesson. The boys can even meet with their teachers in person if need be. Finn and Gavin get a great education and increase their computer literacy in ways they wouldn’t at a brick-and-mortar school.

The boys are using the same programs international businesses are using. OHVA is preparing them for their next steps beyond high school.

Many families don’t fully understand the many choices they have outside of the four-walled classroom. OHVA is public school at home and could be the best choice you’ve ever made – just ask Finn and Gavin.

Michele Bayliff
Batavia, Ohio