St Mark’s Community, which is managed by Graceworks Housing Services, would like to let all of our volunteers. We want them to know how much we appreciate what they do for us. In fact, we are honoring those volunteers at O‘Chaley’s on April 13.

Volunteers help to make the world a brighter place. With that in mind, we would like to thank the following individuals:

Paulette Phelps
Donna Swisher
Vance Pribble
Hatti Marshall
Pat Davis
Barb Smith
Mary Tutt
Ginny Wahl
Arbors of Milford
Riverhills Church
Nurses Care
Debbie Retherford
Ann Sulllivan
Zack & Cait Powell
Jon & Lvetta Washko
Betsy Williams
Sheila Woodard
Virginia & Neal Komo