Marc Hoover
My grandson turned two last week. Lucky fella, his birthday is two weeks after Christmas. We had planned a special day for him. My wife and I wanted to make his day special. We set up our kitchen table with gifts and a birthday cake.

Before celebrating his birthday, we took him to a local Chuck E Cheese’s. My wife used the convenient excuse that she couldn’t go because she had to set up the party. So it was just me, my grandson, and his parents. It brought back memories because I used to take my sons to Chuck E Cheese’s several years ago. The place looked the same.

But I noticed the missing oversized toy box full of colored plastic balls. Netting surrounded the play area to keep the balls inside. I used to watch my boys and other youngsters hitting one another in the head. It reminded me of a dodgeball game. In the old days, knocking someone’s head off with a small plastic ball was okay.

Today, kids no longer play dodgeball. A psychologist without kids probably decided that dodgeball is too dangerous.

Besides, it wouldn’t look good having kids walking around like brain damaged critters.

Marc Hoover is a grandfather and lives in Clermont County. Visit his website at