Dr. Dan Meakin
First and foremost an annual physical exam by your veterinarian is the most important preventive measure for your trusted companion. A thorough physical exam will alert you to conditions before they become problems, and assure you that your pet is healthy enough to respond properly to the vaccinations.

DHLPP—All Dogs

Five in one vaccine, which protects against: Canine Distemper, hepatitis, Leptospirosis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus. Vaccine is required for all hospitalized, boarded, or groomed dogs at ACAH.

Puppies Between the ages of 6 and 18 weeks receive boosters every 3 weeks, as they are more susceptible

Adult dogs receive a yearly DHLP-P vaccination booster

An adult unvaccinated dogs receives two vaccines 3-4 weeks apart.


Required by law for all dogs over 4 months.

Puppies receive a one-year rabies vaccine at 3-4 months of age.

Adult dogs receive a rabies vaccine every three years, after the initial vaccine.

BORDATELLA (Kennel Cough) – All Dogs

Required when boarding your pet or enrolling in an obedience class & Highly contagious from dog to dog.

6 month boosters necessary for higher exposure.


Recommended for dogs that travel to the northeast or Wisconsin/ Minnesota and is carried by deer ticks.

This disease is sporadically present in Ohio.


Recommended for outdoor dogs that frequently swim and drink from ponds, lakes and streams. Possible Human potential pathogen.



Fecal examination – all dogs

Roundworms, tapeworms and hookworms cause sickness and problems with growth and digestion.

Dogs need a microscopic examination of a fecal specimen to detect parasites twice a year.


Easier to prevent than to treat an infestation.

We recommend topical or systemic monthly flea prevention year round.

Best preventive options include: Comfortis, Frontline, Sentinel, Advantage Multi, and Revolution—available only through veterinarians


Serious parasite that infects dogs hearts and lungs that is common in our area and transmitted by mosquitoes.

Dogs have disease for long time before symptoms such as coughing, weakness and weight loss become obvious and eventually causes death.

Young puppies (6 months) started on heartworm preventive at first visit.

Dogs 6 months and older require a blood test before starting on monthly heartworm preventive.

Heartworm Preventives are given year round and an annual blood test for heartworm recommended.

SPAY / NEUTER – all dogs (except established breeders)

Best preventive care measures you can do for your pet. decreasing likelihood of cancers and uterine infections.

Safety is number one concern – we use same anesthetics used with people.

Prevents undesirable behaviors- urine marking, wandering, aggression, and hyperactivity.

Best done between 4 and 8 months of age.


One of the most neglected pet health care needs, dental disease causes bad breath, which leads to serious infections and tooth decay. Start when Puppies so can become accustomed to using pet toothpaste.

Dr. Dan Meakin is the owner of All Creatures Animal Hospital, 1894 Ohio Pike in Amelia. Call (513) 797-PETS.