You will soon receive your 2010 Census form in mid March. The form has 10 easy questions that you can answer in about 10 minutes.

It is very important that every person in Clermont County is counted. Every year Clermont County government and organizations throughout the county receive a formula share of Federal dollars for programs and services based on the number of people who live in Clermont County.

For Clermont Senior Services this Federal funding is specifically based on the number of residents over the age of 60. If you are over age 60 and are not counted, we will receive fewer Federal dollars for meals-on-wheels, transportation, and other services. So please take 10 minutes to complete the Census form when it arrives, and mail it back to the Census Bureau right away.

To help you complete the form when it arrives, here is a sneak preview of the 10 questions, with a comment about why each question is asked. And remember, if you need help completing the form, you can ask any employee at Clermont Senior Services to help. Just ask!

1. The purpose of question #1 is simply to determine the number of people living or temporarily staying in your home. The question asks: